Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ridding my bathroom of non vegan products

Since I live with an omnivore partner and two omnivore children (our baby is vegan, so far), I decided to comb over the bathrooms first for animal products. The best way to start any potentially overwhelming project, is to start with a bit of research. Here are some sites that I found helpful.

Check out the app, Leaping Bunny, it provides you with an alphabetized list of companies and products which are free of animal products and cruelty. It has links to the companies websites as well. My favorite thing about this app is that you can tackle one type of prodect at a time.

The most helpful was PETA's lists of company's that do test on animals and don't test on animals. I was able to find 90% of the items very quickly. The rest of my items, mostly store brands are sitting in a box until I can do more research.

The easiest start was to take out all the big brands who use animals for testing. These were the tops brands in my cupboard.
- Johnson and Johnson
- Proctor & Gamble
- Dial
- L'oreal

For PETA's list of companies who do and do not practice testing on animals, check here.

Here is what I took out of my bathroom

My closet is so much cleaner now. It feels better too! Now onto the upstairs bathroom.

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